
You are a monster.

Not gonna lie, this is one of the reasons I play on PC.

Also, think of the kickstarter as money to free it from the reigns of the PS4 and allow PC users access as well.

People keep throwing around the $47 million figure without context. Shenmue originally had a budget of $47M, yes. But there were a few reasons for that. First, Shenmue was meant to be the Saturn’s killer app. They had pretty much finished 2 games and were working on the 3rd when the whole thing was cancelled to be

I’m really looking forward to this. This looks like so much fun.

What if I don’t have two friends?

Just wait another 6 years. It’ll happen.

I thought I was having a Shenmue induced seizure.

MS is standing taller because Ryo Hazuki is only 5’9” right?

Being BSD based, you’d wish it would support real file systems like ZFS or ext4.

Dirty pirate /s. Honestly until Shenmue and Final Fantasy, this was the thing that I was most excited for.

Maybe now he has time to wrestle.

Even though I knew I’d be able to pledge at some point, I felt panicked that the site was down. Really glad to get my pledge in before Sony’s conference ended.

I’m in for 300 if I can get kickstarter to load. jeez

Did anyone really expect otherwise. They pretty much said this yesterday. Still, PC version will remain best version because it will not be restricted in any way like you would expect the console versions to.

360 is actually a PPC not X86 architecture. Cell is also PPC. the different is that Cell is designed around parallelization in a weird way which makes emulating pretty difficult without really tight synchronization and a powerful processor. That won’t happen on the PS4.

I had the same reaction. “Who cares about Hololens. Moyang? wtf”

I doubt this will work for things like texture packs. PC version is still the best version.

PS4 cannot handle emulating the Cell. The only feasible way for Sony to handle BC is through a service like PS Now which will never be free because the infrastructure is too expensive.