
Nice ride (Had an 06 IX and 12 GSR myself, best cars I’ve ever owned)

Reminds me of the EV-1 Fiasco all over again. Or the VW XL1 which at 360mpg is simply too good to let anyone actually have.

First read that as 2 Ton F150, but then I thought, yeah it’s been over 2 tons for a long time.

Hey look guys at this thing you want that we know you want but we decided to intentionally not sell you so you can continue to buy our far lesser performing boring option.

Totally agree. Poser-Mobile.

Not sure what you are thinking saying that Evo approaches Demon territory, as it weighs 3250lbs and that Demon weighs 4500lbs.

These trucks also came with the Sirius Engines (famed 4G63 family).

What that unsafe fire-hazard recall-machine?

I’ve made some pretty big dollars in my degree-lacking career.

I own a Pre-Cub International Harvester Cadet 85, I also have a 75 and a 55.

Gotta say the Cobra snake badge on my 1997 Cobra 32v was probably the most recognizable of anything I’ve owned.

Only interested if it can tow it’s turbodiesel variant over here to US shores.

Hoping high gas prices made some of the crazy stupid drivers learn to coast or maybe not expect to go 0-45 in 3 seconds after the light turned green....

Personally I’d just go find that one year you could get the turbo diesel if I were to get a Mazda.

Don’t want electric. Keep building gassers.

With modern ECU and some mods the manual trans version of this car can easily be made rather quick.

I’m at exactly 1 gallon of gas a day for my 65 mile round trip.

Nah, I prefer a roof with seatbelts, air bags, and AC.

So heavy EV’s with 300 tread width tires are bad?

1500lb vehicle with 165 horsepower has a better power to weight ratio and would likely match if not exceed it’s speed due to better coefficient of drag.