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I'm a manager for a small support department that handles IP phone systems. Here is my ride.

He shoulda let the clutch out a little easier.

Taa Daa!

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Sounds like Mr. Richardson needs to have a little talk with Mr. Rock. Fortunately for him, the interwebs has made that easier.

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Here is a just released video of the incident. Witnesses say they saw a 1973 Ford Mustang fleeing the scene.

Nice Ferrari!

Is it me or was pulling a flaming car onto the grass not the best idea? It didn't seem to matter here but... Why not leave it on the pavement instead of risking setting the whole field ablaze?

Ho.Lee.Cow. Them's the kinda images that make you think how many times in my youth that coulda been me.

First thing I thought of.

2011 V6 Mustang. 305hp, 31mpg(hwy) and $22k+


I had dreams like this all through puberty.

Is that the Stig?

And still no cure for cancer...

"(You know what else hits home? Seeing your own birth year and a current death year on someone's tattoo.)"

Fine, I'll say it. That front end looks like it belongs on a blow up doll. There.

I remember reading an article where he described going to the local hardware store to pickup some wood or something in that truck. 600+hp and going to the hardware store. Classic.

I vote for Tim Allen.

So what are they supposed to do with all the hide that's leftover after making all my burgers and steaks?