Too bad is not the whole interview, I prefer Jason in text form... I cant stop rolling my eyes for his unedited comments in splitscreen
Too bad is not the whole interview, I prefer Jason in text form... I cant stop rolling my eyes for his unedited comments in splitscreen
I probably should have waited for this offer because this game is no worth more than 20 $. Lackluster story, boring and repetitive quest... Yes really pretty but to what cost?....
I probably should have waited for this offer because this game is no worth more than 20 $. Lackluster story, boring…
90 mins of gaming everyday is not bad if you are a dad, I actually think is great. I am not a dad and I usually only have like 3-4 hours on the weekend. It takes 15 to 25 hrs to finish evil within 2, you can easily finish it in 2 weeks of gaming... I don’t know you make it sound like is too few gaming time.
Who needs downgraded versions of old games in the switch when you have amazing exclusive games for the system .....
Slightly related , good examples of good dream sequences in games are Max Payne 1&2 sequences
I agree with Sora, the acting in ffx is not that bad except for that infamous fake laugh(although he was supposed to be faking the laugh in that scene so...). You can’t just shut up people you don’t like in real life, I don’t see why it should be different in games . You don’t like the voice ? Play a different game.
I want a re-release of VC2 and VC3 before this!!......
The answer is plain simple here . It’s clear you don’t want these games anymore. Just give them away. Other people would love to play with them and have them. Keeping the games just because they might be worth something in the future is foolish. Let others enjoy the games you loved.
First One word. “Irrelevant”
Why fix the Nintendo virtual console ? You keep buying the games . You are part of the problem.