I usually leave trolls to give my comments context, but in this case it’s not worth it.
I usually leave trolls to give my comments context, but in this case it’s not worth it.
Given that currently men can be hired despite not being properly qualified over fully qualified women, I think we need to wait until the best people for the job are being hired before we claim equality has been reached.
I believe what she meant was, that when the most qualified people for jobs all happened to be women, they all got the jobs, rather than someone saying you can’t have all women.
If you want to encourage them to vote, then practical measures need to be taken, get a grassroots funded election drive going, arrange space and qualified staff for free child care for election day and arrange mini buses to transport people to and from collection points in various neighbourhoods to the child care…
You think she actually asks people before she mocks them if they have a health condition that contributed to their weight gain, or is it more likely that she put that line in to make herself feel better.
Also how is it less shitty to be horrible to one group of people just because of how they look than another who look…
Lets see, we could have some medium budget interesting stories or another generic action movie. Hmm, hard choice, I mean do we want to encourage as many different groups of people to watch movies as possible or do we want to fill the market with films that appeal to the lowest common denominator?
That was kinda my point.
If the police are treating well connected, wealthy white girls like this, then how are they treating those with less social privilege? The point of the media campaign is to make the lawsuit feel like it’s just entitled people being entitled. As more details come out there may be more people who come forward and talk…
People have the right to their own opinion, they don’t have the rights to state them as fact.
It depends why they disagree with me, a lot of people seem to think that because I’m large I must be unhappy all the time, never eat anything healthy, stuff my face constantly and if I get sick it’s because of my arse size,…
I believe a number of these centres are linked to religious adoption organisations, so there may be an ulterior motive for wanting more clients who don’t want to keep the baby, but can be talked out of aborting...
It’s been in the news lately that the pill is not fully effective for women over a certain weight, so it’s possible that the morning after pill suffers from the same limitation, might be interesting to know if the women who had ‘successful reversals’ were over the weight threshold for the contraceptive pill being…
I talk back to trolls, not for their benefit, ‘cause I’m pretty sure I couldn’t open their mind even using a crowbar, but for the people reading the comments, so they know there is at least one person who disagrees or thinks the comment was rude or just unnecessary or pointless. The trick is not to be drawn into their…
They could have done the Battle of the Bands set up for this movie, dodgy music producer wants to take over Jessica’s father’s company for little or no money and she agrees to a Battle of the Bands that will let him buy her out for a nominal fee if he wins and vice versa. That lets you get Jem and the Holograms…
I have not read more than these extracts, but I have to say that the fan fiction I read has much better quality sex scenes - even the deliberate bad fic.
This reads like someone who’s only ever had vanilla sex trying to write edgy scenes and one of the few bits of research done involved 2 girls 1 cup (something else…
Personally I generally don’t want my eye candy getting too attached, I like to look at pretty men, but for relationships I’m more interested in personality, if he’s pretty too that’s a bonus but I wont date pretty if they don’t have a personality I like, I will date someone with a personality I like that isn’t pretty.
I suspect one of the reasons for this being opened in a gay neighbourhood is that there is less chance of a bunch or guys uncomfortable with the idea of the restaurant lurking outside to cause trouble. The women who want to frequent the place will generally be safer in the gay neighbourhood than the men would be in a…
Just remember you can have the clothing tailored to fit you properly, some of us can go into 20 clothing shops and find not a single thing outside the accessories that would fit us at all. One person telling you that you should put on weight or eat a sandwich is an asshole, I get cars full of people mooing at me as I…
I have the choice of paying £25 for a crappy quality, overly girly t-shirt I don’t like that mostly fits or £5 for a plain guys XXL t-shirt of moderate quality, that mostly fits or £10 for a guys XXL t-shirt of reasonable quality, with cookie monster on the front - guess which one I’m not spending money on!
I hope she does well in whatever she decides. Would be really cool to see her and others like her change the shape of the world. Congratulations on raising a great daughter.