Corey Hart

You are all wrong, NWO was a Hulk Hogan/Scott Hall/Kevin Nash thing.

It took me a while to remember that in 2003, people ranting about the “New World Order” tended to be hardcore liberal 9/11 truthers rather than Qanon freaks.

“Arby’s didn’t have free lunch; it was a restaurant.” First legit LOL line of the season.

Frank, in the final stages of cancer

Jenny was robbed.

I enjoyed Us but the ending is so nonsensical that I have no desire to watch it again, and it made me skeptical of Nope (which I still haven’t seen).

I enjoyed Us at least as much as Get Out, but I actually thought Nope was a really good evolution - it has the free-association plotting and crazy imagery of Us, but the premise is a little less absurd. But it’s not all that surprising it didn’t get any nominations.

Counterpoint: Top Gun kicked ass, and if there’s one thing you CAN’T fault the Academy for, it’s nominating lots of big mainstream films.

It’s kind of the series’ whole wonky thing with fungi. The first episode implied the only reason fungi hadn’t conquered humanity in the past was that prior to global warming they hadn’t evolved to survive in warm blooded animals. Not only do things like athlete’s foot show that’s not true (they can infect warm blooded

Saying Will Poulter is like saying Jimmy Olsen would make a great Superman

Instead of casting someone who can be Superman, they should cast someone who can be Clark Kent.

Abandoning Cavill was a mistake that, apparently, only time will tell.

I think they should cast that Henry Cavill guy. He’s the spitting image of the character, and physically you couldn’t hope for anyone better.

Anna Torv is very good, but she looks so much like Carrie Coon that every time she pops up in something, I have to go check the cast list online so I can verify ‘Oh right it’s that actor from Mindhunter who looks uncannily like Carrie Coon’.

When Joel says the infected are mostly in the city, Sarah says that they take the old woman into the city all the time, for appointments at the hospital.

Antifascists. So yeah, the Fireflies are. That’s all “antifa” is short for. 

I try not to be too harsh, because in the current media landscape I’m sure these writers are under all sorts of insane pressures regarding deadlines and engagement and who knows what else. But, at the same time, criticism when done right can be an interesting and thought-provoking genre in itself, and this isn’t it.

This review reminded me of the text-box you see on a lot of Wikipedia articles: “This section may be overly detailed.” Listing every beat of the episode’s plot one after the other gets tiring to read, and aside from saying that Bella Ramsey is “credibly American” I have almost no sense of whether the acting is good

I like jump scares where the characters are also reacting like ‘what the fuck just happened!?’ Someone already mentioned Jaws and the chum scene, which is a great example.

One that doesn’t get mentioned is that damn tiger in Apocalypse Now. The way that’s put together is just brilliant.