A. Christensen

Aw man, the orange 911T brought back memories of my young dude days. I had a 911E (not as cool) the same color. The wheels were stolen once and the whole car was stolen once (but recovered with the wheels missing and the ignition punched). I got tired of worrying about it and traded it in on a new first generation GTI.

There are no bad colors, just colors used badly.

Impressive. But it would be more so if they’d made it the way the Romans did, without power tools. ;)

There’s just something about proofreading.

“Portal to the other side of the universe” explains where socks go.

Perhaps you’re seeing the situation backwards. Rather than an enhanced camera for the iPhone, it’s a camera that uses the iPhone for controls.

Too bad he didn’t range farther along the coast, like the Mendocino headlands or Big Sur.

There are thousands of us living in vans fulltime. There’s even a term for it: vandwelling. There are blogs, forums, discussion groups, gatherings and more. I’ve been at it for two years. I know people who’ve been doing it for more than a decade. Some of us travel a lot, some have circuits of favorite spots for each

I have a DNR order tattooed on my chest.