
Well the article seems to use a broken windscreen and a damaged tyre to emphasise its case. That, to me, says more about either their driving style, or the quality of the tyres than it does about the car, though. 

Effectively banned abortion in huge parts of the country?

Passed a ton of tax cuts for the super wealthy? Stole a Supreme Court seat? Packed the judiciary at every other level? 

Entitlement 101

If they wanted to fight depreciation, they could start with bringing their residuals out of the basement for leases. That, combined with Hyundai/Genesis terrible money factor makes these awful leases. A comparable BMW will lease much better.

With only some of the games announced and no word on the build quality ... Gonna wait for reviews, no use for a preorder.

With only some of the games announced and no word on the build quality ... Gonna wait for reviews, no use for a

The Dualshock is pretty much the advent of the modern controller.

Should have looked more Golf R than Focus RS.

This eerily mirrors what I did when in the depths of my eating disorder, for sure.

You seriously expect an old dying battery to be fixed by an OS update? 

I just like that I can finally ask Siri to find my keys/wallet/etc. with Tile.

I hated it at first but it has grown on me like the curse in Princess Mononoke; one day it will kill me, but for now it only gives me incredible and frightening strength to defeat my enemies.

Mr. Regular, being an English major, would cringe at reading this quotation.

The rumor yesterday was that he was given shares at Sauber in exchange to step down from Ferrari. 

This.  I look up people’s Amazon accounts to see their review history.  People that only write one star reviews make my eye twitch (I spent years in retail, so I know the type).

For the first time this year, the Studio Ghibli fest has included 1 screening (the Monday night one) in the original Japanese dialogue with english subtitles

I’m no doctor but I’m going to make a bold statement: I’m not sure that this diet has a healthy amount of calories in it. There. I said it. I know, that’s a controversial view.

Locke is ultimately a tragic figure. On the island, he was special. Off the island, he was just some schlub who believed he was special, and he died an ignominious death accordingly, only to have Smokey disgrace his memory by wearing his skin.

Agreed and agreed. CTR driving dynamics but wrapped in a package in which it is acceptable to meet clients, who are adults.