Achmed Aziz

The problem, Rod, is that I suspect your tune would change if facebook was taking a stand with/against something that happened to be out of step with your personal political views. In other words, you are OK with their actions merely because they align with what YOU think is right.

Are you a real person or a South Park caricature come to life?

While I’m an open advocate of chalkdickery to combat Trumpery, it would no doubt create a vicious cycle of even more feckless invocations of safe spaces...safer to also include a chalk vagina and maybe a gender-neutral scribble as well to insulate against oppressive phallus imagery.

the way safe spaces are implemented in practice make them the exact opposite of a “a space where we can explore our ideas freely without fear of judgment”. Namely, because of the people conflate ‘judgement’ with ‘respectfully disagreeing with your opinion’ during the course of arguing a debatable proposition.