Huge and Electric are two words that describe my penis greatly.
Huge and Electric are two words that describe my penis greatly.
@Fernando Jorge: Completely agree 100%.
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: It's not a natural part of growing up if it takes away from them growing up naturally with other kids and interacting with the other kids instead of being focused on the iPad.
@animeman59: New and amazing technologies aren't a problem in any way if the people using them have the sensibility to realize when the appropriate times and situations for their use are. I may have a cellphone, sure, but you will never, ever, find me texting around other people, absorbed in my own little world…
@redman042: The difference between an Apple product not being perfect and a product from anyone else not being perfect is that Apple tells you over and over and over that the thing they're selling you is perfect, magical, wonderful, blah blah blah. And then it's not. Whereas other companies don't put that much effort…
@SkaHimself: I really, really, really, hope (for the sake of the future of humanity) that you were just kidding / being sarcastic / trolling when you said that.
My phone is always off, or on vibrate (in which case I just ignore it), whenever I'm with anyone. Parents, Grandparents, siblings, friends, etc., it doesn't matter, anyone who pulls out a phone when they're engaged in any sort of social event with someone else has quite a bit to learn about respect. As much as you…