
Nice guys go head-hunting too. I don’t think the NFL has the right to question someone’s intent. Unless a player publicly says I am going out today to injure guys, it isn’t fair for us to assume anything more than a tackle gone wrong. Burfict’s combine numbers weren’t off the charts. Maybe he was late to the spot and

In 7th grade, we had a substitute teacher. We all took turns using the one computer in the classroom. At some point, a student looked at Steakandcheese website which was porn or inappropriate pictures. I don’t even know. The next day the teacher was back and asked who used the computer yesterday. Like an idiot, I said

Rebuilding a baseball team is a lot like renovating your house. You put a lot of money into the crucial areas like the kitchen (starting pitching), master bedroom (power hitting) and don’t think twice about it. Then you skim in other areas like the guest bathroom (middle relievers) and dining room (pinch runners). If

Remember when the NFL used to be about football. Now everything is a story. The games and statistics are just details. Insiders are tweeting about a player’s future while his team isn’t even through the second quarter. Of course a ref is scared to screw up and therefor calls everything, with all of the available