I love this comment.
You might be disappointed, a lot of us found Feast for Crows to be quite a slog. In fact, you may even consider reading it side by side with the early chapters from Dance with Dragons just to get a break from The Adventures of Brienne Doing God Knows What.
Thanks, that actually makes a lot more sense now. I guess I just couldn't get over the sudden introduction of "hey we found this alien fetus" in a world that otherwise played by very strict rules of realism.
I actually liked the movie ending better. Thought the book-ending was ridiculous, far-fetched, and introducing way too much unnecessary shit. It's possible that Moore intended this as some sort of commentary, in which case I missed it.
That's not the reason. The reason was because the company saw that the plotlines he had planned for the characters would leave them unusable for the never-ending soap opera format and convinced him to alter them to stand-alone characters instead. Which proves his original point entirely.
I regret taking the bait of this article, because I should already know how this plays out. So this is the last thing I'm gonna say on the topic. It is, believe it or not, possible to think the commenters who attack her are disgusting AND to think that her 'project' is trite and attention-seeking, AND that neither of…
Hey! You care about sexism, and you're gonna make a Kickstarter to address the issue? Awesome! What are you gonna do? Donate to battered women's shelter? Help aid workers set up a girls' school in a third-world country? What's that? You're gonna...make a video about how much it pisses you off that female video game…
Yes, 'education' about the oppressive prevalence of skimpy armor in video games will solve world sexism and hunger and everything else.
Yes, because I'm sure that you've accurately determined what 'my views' are based on the nice little binary that's been set up here. My 'view' is that this shit is tired and Kotaku runs a variation of this exact same article several times a day. But hey don't let me stop your white knighting.
What you're talking about is actually completely different movements. There are at least three distinct movements called "feminism": the first wave, who campaigned for voting rights and labor rights, the second wave like Dworkin and Betty Friedan who attacked women's social roles, and the third wave like Judith Butler…
I don't see why that invalidates the point. I mean they were presented as a joke in the show, but there's really nothing wrong with the basic idea, as long as you believe that people ultimately have autonomy over their own bodies and lives.
This sort of reasoning is unfortunately not that uncommon; nor are its related forms such as suicide by cop, by causing traffic accidents, or even jumping off buildings - all of which place other people at risk. The clear solution, it seems to me, is to provide a safe, easy, and painless assisted suicide service to…
No, don't let him. Pad the walls and floor, remove any utensils, and secure padded mittens to his hands. Let him feel every second of his remaining natural lifespan pass, each indistinguishable from the last.
This episode just hilariously shows how badly the Japanese struggle to understand conventional American morality/prudishness. "What? The American moral censors have a problem with hitting women? Well, just make them transsexuals then! That should be okay, right?"
As a guy who identifies with many of the things on this list, I'd say that #9 can cut both ways, as being alone for a long time (and I mean alone alone, as opposed to still dating/fucking) could easily make your issues worse, or give you new ones. Besides, who DOESN'T have 'issues' in this day and age? Who is…
I think Boston Terriers should be interviewed for every article ever.
That whole repetition of 'poignant' phrases like "where whores go" and "Reek, it rhymes with ___" was the worst thing about DwD, IMO. Lazy, shallow, unrealistic writing. If you need to illustrate how emotionally scarred a character is by making them repeat the same self-reflective line aloud over and over, you're…