Ach Hans Zombies!

I'll start by saying that Girls is an important show and one that services a demographic criminally under serviced by Hollywood.

It says something rather mind blowing that you can have a title like this and be unsure if it's even in the top 5 Howard Hawks films.
For my money…
His Girl Friday
Bringing Up Baby
The Big Sleep
Red River
Rio Bravo

Nay! I strike out at this outrage sir!
La Reine Margot
La Femme Nikita
The Piano Teacher
La fille de d'Artagnan

It was developed into a really haunting children's television drama. Really disconcerting concept and totally messed with my mind as a child :)

For all his mistakes, I'm rather fond of Costner. Mr. Brooks is criminally underrated and For the Love of the Game is a secret shame of mine.

This episode had me laughing inside of the first five seconds. Rob Lowe declaiming loudly: "Vigorously get this man off!"

All those examples you give are exactly the point.
1) Angel isn't a squeaky clean hero. He's a redeemed villain. Expecting him to play by the complete book of hero rules is a mistake and Lindsey had it a long time coming.
2) Agreed that Zander is a total douche there. In his defence he's also a teenage boy who happens

He actually seemed to reference the shipping in the episode. It was a whisker away from turning and addressing the camera and saying "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?!?" I thought it was pretty funny considering.

She started off with a long stint on Australian soap "Home and Away" and was definitely a bit of a heart throb back in the late 90s. Since then she has bounced around but really hit the big time in the last few years. Regarding The Slap, there was an Ozzie version before the US version in which she played the exact

The rehash of Batman's parents at the start was a bit of a warning sign. Is there a human on the planet who hadn't seen it before? It was particularly down the line as well, really bringing nothing new to the table.

Jaws still takes the cake in my book. E.T on the other hand is so saccharine it's positively diabetic.

I want to rent you.

And yet she blew a host of established stars off the screen in American Hustle. When she's on, she's superb.

I love del Toro but wouldn't ever call him flawless. In fact when I think of him I think of a deeply interesting, inventive and yet flawed film maker.

I'm amazed the Academy went with The Revenant for a bunch of acting awards when you could clearly have dressed up a couple of homeless men and put them in front of the camera to exactly the same effect. Meanwhile the great performances in Sicario get jack.

I watched it with a buddy and we rather liked it. Fairly high on the head-fuck scale but pretty interesting film making…

It's _almost_ a great film. It's kinda like the first Godfather except the amazing climax of reprisals at the end never happens. It just kinda… fizzles away.

Hey, the plutonium is mine, its been registered for religious purposes!

The Ice Storm has something for everyone… Point Break on the other hand has Reagan with a flaming petrol bowser!

It also doesn't take into account the shooting ratio which can vary wildly. Just because the film you're watching isn't very long, doesn't mean the director didn't do a hundred takes of various scenes and nearly bankrupt the studio in the process.