
I cringe whenever I read about Nice Guys because it reminds me I used to believe the same thing in my late teens/early 20's. Makes me feel all gross.

Tu-22M3 don’t do “nuclear bombing runs”. The Kh-15 has long been withdrawn from service. Those actually capable of carrying nuclear strikes are the Tu-95 and Tu-160...

You try making a new Elder Scrolls game with a fraction of Bethesda’s staff and see how it goes.

I’m not as subtle, and probably will end in some list because of this but I wouldn’t mind if someone turned his car into an IED with him in it.

People do remark on it when it is a guy but mostly behind their backs for whatever reason.

This graph does seem to back that theory I read some time ago that the Coalition strikes on ISIS were not about eliminating them but to actually force ISIS movements towards Assad controlled areas.

Now playing

I don’t think that puff of smoke is a cartridge, but the burning up of any pooled up fuel and/or oil.

I’m gonna guess you are the inbred hick from the video

Good guys with a gun in action, amirite?

So, he finally grew out of his obnoxious screen persona and realized that a big chunk of his audience are little turds.

And there are people who actually believe Dictionaries are not prone to biases of all sorts...

And what makes you think that she didn’t do that and got laughed off or told that since she was a porn actress, she either was “asking for it” or “is not rape because it is her job to fuck people”?

Hey, remember when back in the 80's people like you would whine how the west is such a better place if news like these came out of places like East Germany?

Remember when they made the world believe fascist had lost the war?

Welcome to 2012...

I’ve always wanted an S-3 and turn it into a private jet of sorts.

I think your gender is “Asshole”. And with your logic and your comment, I’d be right.

Yeah, the problem are those to whom they’ll handle the Chapo over, from the Court system to the jail administrators and guards.

She is overreacting as she make it seem like she won but then the judges or whatever changed their mind, which is not really the case, as she was never meant to be the winner of the contest.

Now it looks like any other “trendy” burger joint you can find everywhere... :/