
There’s probably more leg room in the baggage compartment than a seat in coach

Except in this case there wasn’t an international situation to begin with until the Fake News said there was. In responding from the hip on Twitter, the Pakistani PM created a small real situation. The advantage of using “official” responses to send your diplomatic messaging is that they usually take time and

I’ve turned off every episode at some point. Too scripted,too forced,too staged too generic

That one’s driving me crazy! What’s the story there? Who was this Italian and why did he move to Liechtenstein? I need to know dammit!

And by the looks of it, just ONE fucking vending machine in the whole store.


While I’m sure my dogs remember every shitty thing I’ve done to them, I’m happy to report they are better at forgiving than I will ever be.

*sigh* It’s only a fringe minority of religious zealots who consume cow waste. The rest of us have a word for them — ‘idiots’.

Eating as a chore? Wow. #firstworldproblems

He’s intelligent, popular, and didn’t have to pay Hulk Hogan tens of millions of dollars.

Ugh, memories. I experienced that (with eyeballs my only app!) around 20 years ago visiting my mom across the country, Va to NM. Took Greyhound and while about to take off from one stop (I think Dallas?) I saw my suitcase on a cart moving away from the bus. I jumped up and went to the driver and told him hey, that’s

And the award for the biggest pair of balls goes to:

Very possible. And they will have made the first VR that will not feel like you are wearing a helmet. It will have Field of view of 270 degree and for the first time feel real not only for geeks and supporters.

On a recent tech podcast, one of the hosts said that he thought about keeping his Note 7 because he liked it and figured that the odds were good he would not have a problem. But when he thought about how often he gives his phone to his young daughter so that she can play games, he realized that returning the phone

I gasped at ‘Hasselblad.’ Would you ever have forgiven yourself?

Interestingly, Jez used a source that said it was an increase from 20% to 80% women in a year and a half. Which would be super suspicious.

Just call your credit card company, that will get their attention quick.

Not too impressed. They burn Apple for the camera bump on the back but when you put a case on this you have a big hole in the middle. Plus I don’t get the purpose of the chin on the front?

“what the fuck are you talking about?”