
America is so fucked right now because the Government has turned the keys to the kingdom over to corporations.

It makes you wonder what protection you’d have legally if you’d jumped in to help this guy being assaulted by non-cops. I’m guessing none.

I’m sorry, but no. That person paid good money for their flight, and United is completely, fully, 1000% to blame on this. No one else, but United.

United Airlines has been a real dick lately. On Monday morning, the world woke up to a very disturbing video of a

So I assume this will be another $1,000 phone that I don’t want to buy? Phone manufacturers need to stop with these super-inflated price point phones. The Next Big Thing (TM) should be a phone that functions well and comes out at $400.

They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.

...pass traveler...

But how could that work, when he clearly thinks they all look the same? Or is it just less complicated than we imagine?

This is pretty brilliant. Now I just need you to remind me of this page in 6 years when my daughter is old enough to understand it. I might be old enough to understand it by then, too.

PUH-LEES change the title to “Images” not “Photos”. Most of these are not what the vast majority of the public - and especially photographers - would call “photos”. Nice, sure. Artistically accomplished, yes. “Light writing” - OK, I’ll even grant you that on a technicality. But photos most of them aren’t.

Why not treat them to the original series? The animation was so much better, and I’m sure the stories still hold up.

Where is your evidence that “few will ever use” California’s high speed rail system?

I’d like to shift the focus for a moment to recognize Ian Grillot for his act of heroism. I hope that I’d have even a fraction of his courage in the same situation.

So it’s terrorism when a brown person shoots a bunch of white people because they “hate us” but it’s not terrorism when a white person shoots brown people for the same reason?

missed the best one...

I saw that! Amazing stuff.

Pipe down there, buddy.

And this post belongs on Gizmodo how?

This is more of a general statement, but David, I’m always, always, always so impressed with the depth, research and detail that goes into your stories. Well done brother, great stuff.

I believe in an employer telling you what you can and cannot do...which is NOT censorship. If you want to shitpost to your person account by all means then go ahead. If you want to run up and down the road screaming how Trump is horrible then please do it.