
HAD a bike rack.

Judging from the picture, and the fact that the other turbines are all shut down. I would think that it is a very high wind day, one that exceeds the turbine operating conditions. The break probably failed on this one causing the generator to overheat and poof insta wheel of death! There should be in place an

And there it is, the bullshit excuse that will allow everyone to walk away saying “That man was SPEEDING!”. 74 in a 65, c’mon.

Eve, you know that this guy is probably going to read this article online, that jab at the end about the penis kind of ruined the whole article for me. It’s a very serious topic for Mr. Kepner.

This whole conversation misses the point.


Metering usage is one thing. They have to do that otherwise they won’t know how to scale for capacity. They don’t need to know what the data is, but they certainly need to know how much is going through.

Another clickbait headline. These packs aren’t stealing energy from the sun, they’re stealing it from the rocks and the grass!

It’s not the cost of the professors/teachers/educators. Anyone who says otherwise is full of ****. Most earn at or around the median individual income, and the pay-scale increases have not kept pace with inflation. Education has a chronic under-funding problem in the US, and it has everything to do with blind, stupid

Unnecessary snark. Stay techie Gizmodo.

Proof that Anne Frank existed?

It costs you the money you would have made selling it. So if you can feed your kids fish for a dollar, and sell your caviar for $100, it would costs you $99 to feed your kids the caviar (assuming you would have had a buyer).

I’ve been telling people all along that Elon Musk is a time traveler fulfulling everyone’s third best dream of going back to the past (the first being placing winning lottey bets and the second being killing baby Hitler): developing astonishingly advanced stuff for the time based on tech that is commonplace in the

And the US was no different when it was stretching its capacities long before we were ready. Sticking our nose out in the world, trying to be a player when we weren’t even toddlers. Launching a spacecraft today is no different than launching a warship back in the 1800's. And the costs that implies for the nation to

I stopped eating octopus (tako) a few months ago when I saw that video of the problem solver having fun with a mason jar. It just seemed like they were too smart to gobble up.

Produced for india and produced by india. there’s a difference there mate. ISRO was the first to successfully put an orbiter on mars in their first try. that alone should tell you something about them. oh, and at just $74 mil. IIRC, SpaceX needs $43 mil even with their reusable lauch vehicles to put sth in earth’s

Yeah, but the goal of the spacecraft is to test launch and re-entry. The article can be questioned about the name of it.

India has already launched stuff into space, so there’s no need to make them ‘feel good’.

Shhh.... Don’t tell him...

Being an iPhone user, I almost gave up hope. There were so many times I questioned myself...