
As vehemently pro-choice I am, I think that criticism is somewhat unfair. The way they see it, a fetus is a baby - and babies are innocent. People who are on death row are violent murderers, and not innocent.

Is brown and blown out supposed to get me to buy a new HDR TV?

They don’t have Chinese employees. They contract from Foxconn. Guess what: So do all of the other tech companies. I keep challenging people to find me a major tech company that doesn’t have Foxconn-assembled products inside the computers they sell.

Lol. It’s a terrible thing. Cash reserves for middle class families are a good thing. Cash reserves with the super-wealthy only ties up capital that can be better used investing or consuming. Having a reasonable level of cash reserves ensures the security of the company. Fine. What this article is highlighting is that

All correct, but counterpoint: at least gasoline smells gooood.

I see what you did there, I clicked because you said Trump, even though they have also been at other rallies... you are a smart headline writer.

But will they ever fix their crappy video interface and/or stop crippling it on Android?

Tell me that when over 4 million people don’t have access to clean/safe water for over 4 months. What is the “cost recovery” on that crisis? Shall we wait to find out.....just tally the bills/lives after? I will go out on a limb and say more than 360 million.

I thought it was common sense that if you wear dark clothes at night, you’re harder for motorists to see. I’m really surprised that this is being viewed as “victim blaming”. The poster in this article, to me, doesn’t look like anything more than reminder to be careful and make sure you can be seen.

Hey, please update your Java, and while you are at it, we would set the default installation option to include the Yahoo! toolbar. Have fun!

When I was about eight, my friend and I concocted a plan to drill a small hole in a quarter, and use a length of very thin fishing line to pull it back out of the machine. What could go wrong?

25 years? Walking into a random home’s basement could probably unearth older, more interesting stuff than what was in that time capsule anyway. And be at last 50% less likely to be water damaged.

Because the monster?

First to be integrated into the OS built-in and at a system level?

What a great idea to advertise your potato brand with a movie where potatoes were grown in the Astronaut’s own poop!

Could you imagine how *problematic* an article with the genders reversed would be?

Several Years from now. A general on the phone with a tech:
“What do you mean they used an old security hole-ridden version of OpenSSL for the control signal????!!!!”

Since Albert Einstein first predicted their existence a century ago

I am not sure where he implied that India today is weaker than it was under the British Raj. The socialism of Nehru was a reactionary position based upon the belief that capitalism was simply the new way the colonialist powers would control their former colonies. Now India is expanding very quickly but that did not