
Dammit, I really wanted this game to be good. It felt like there was a lot of potential, but given how frustrating I find the Dark Zone, I’ve pretty much given up at this point. There’s no story content to name and the PvP is incredibly biased towards “shoot first and run”...which makes me feel like a heel when I

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I’ve been playing Division (PS4) a few hours a night for the last few weeks...and enjoying it. Yes, the disappearing dailies are annoying, but it’s happened, what a handful of times? Not exactly the end of the world (see what I did there?) Have a relatively reliable group of friends to

I liked the Division a lot for the last few weeks, but that’s definitely begun to move toward “meh” since the update. Beat the Incursion once legit and thought “Never doing THAT again”. Got invited to a group trying to exploit and left, but then thought “Makes total sense”. At this point ALL the incentive is to NOT do