
Whether or not he’s actually being blackballed, per se, I sincerely hope that he continues to be denied opportunities to coach because of the beliefs that you highlighted above. Just kidding, it’s only because I’m selfish and think that he’s fantastic in the broadcast booth.

While it would be bullshit to say that kids with one parent (eg. me) are not raised right, that is not what Billups said. First, you falsely stated that it was because Zion had two parents that he was raised right, instead of him being raised right in addition to (ie. his verbal use of a comma) having two parents

I usually love your pieces, but this seems like a pretty bad take. It’s more reasonable to assume that the teams showing their own athletes did so for personal branding purposes than out of any sex or gender-related notions. Without more evidence, these kind of discriminatory inferences can be dangerous and

Heckling and words, even if profanity is involved, do not actually cause any harm to the recipient (the clear exception is racism, et al). You are only harmed as much as you personally allow yourself to be. If a stranger who I accidentally bump into blurts out “I’m going to kill your wife,” then it doesn’t really do

If investigation produces concrete documented evidence of widespread sexual assault being actively suppressed by either coach Izzo or Dantonio, then as an MSU alum I’ll be the first to lead the charge for their removal. But until we are privy to all of the facts, we should not be predetermining their innocence or

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a friend of mine fucked Chris Pratt on vacation, and he paid for her friends to miss their flights so that they could get with his friends. She said it was very clear that he and his crew had done this a million times, and that their approach at the bar and how everything went