
The "ground-hog day" scenario is not present in this game. The story as a whole might be something you have to judge for yourself. I like it so far

Usually the Good Wife has a strong take on morality. Like, there is good and bad, and although what is good is right, what is good doesn't always win. And Alicia is always good (wife). I don't know if this was purposeful, but Diane trying to get out of that case was not "good" or "right", it was her being a hypocrite

This is so pathetic - the only mildly sexist line in the song is the "short skirt" line and she was a teenager when she wrote this and it was 2008 so I think we can cut her some slack. The rest of the article is just extremely biased overreaching

BUTTT could the judge be lying to Eli about Peter rigging Alicia's election and Peter is actually innocent (of this at least) !?! The episode is called Lies after all.