Ace Stephens

…Are you sure? Something else can be argued which is that clean-up creates jobs. And that the poor/criminal/etc. being "purged" each year might cause issues within the employed population but this would likely reduce unemployment as otherwise unemployed people take over those positions. And all that stuff. Which could

As Election Year specifies that government officials of ranking 10 or above are no longer exempt that year (because it allows the protagonist they want taken out to be targeted), it stands to reason that there are similar exceptions to The Purge regarding corporations. Again, the series is all about the interests of

They wouldn't get massively hacked as people (likely including corporations) above a certain level are off-limits. That's in-continuity, regarding government officials in a certain range…and so it seems probable there are exclusions in this realm as well.

Targets in a certain upper-tier range are off limits (since "corporations are people" now, this likely includes them in some regards) and, otherwise, there are people out on Purge night solely looking to kill. So how many of the random bodies in the street do you think are people who had your idea?

If I recall correctly, the rich (as in, an elite of a certain form - economic/political/whatever) are targeted in Anarchy and Election Year…even though, in the former, they are excluded from being legal targets. But it's the poor attacking them and, in some ways, in self-defense so they don't really care a great deal.

If you want to steal something or rape someone (there actually are some things off-limits if it's the "upper crust" you're after), I would imagine that you have to isolate yourself with the given thing or person. So get locked in the super-secure location that has the thing you want to steal and then stuff it in a

The first film sets the stage. It had to be made on a limited budget which explains its "home invasion" limitations. I find it odd (yet unsurprising) how people can take this sort of thing for granted as it was the narrow range of the first film which allowed it to be so wildly successful financially, opening the door

You agree strongly with the friend who insinuates that Trump support (by contrast)=racism but are frustrated that people say "Not Trump support so not racist"? If I've got that right, does not compute for me as the former characterization being embraced is exactly what empowers the "Who, me? No way!" you show

I always thought it was goofy and "tongue-firmly-in-cheek" satirical and so was surprised by all the people who said things like "What a stupid idea!" or whatever as though they didn't get it.

Why wouldn't you steal a car? You'd get your head blown off by the owner, or just another random person trying to steal it. Or on and on.

The first what?

I know. Beggars can't be choosers? He owed someone a favor? …I don't know. I certainly hope he has a decent excuse.

Well, it's not really my theory. I'm just going with the idea that some out there have that thought and if it might be workable. I don't buy into that. In my view, one might as well concoct some sort of amnesiac, witness protection version of Laurie for every horror film JLC was in before 83. Hell, at that rate,

In response to his statement, Carpenter received a number of vile tweets from Nazi jagoffs…

Anyone who disagrees with me. That's how it works online, right?

Not my perfect memes! Like Pepe! Nazis will never lay claim to…what now? They what?

Dean Cundey is amazeballs. But maddeningly unremarkable when paired with sloppy material.

Just noting this for you since another reply sidestepped it due to production/release dates…Halloween II takes place in 1978, placing its events before The Fog's.

Halloween II continues "The Night He Came Home," placing it in 1978, meaning The Fog takes place afterward chronologically (if we assume this is the same continuity somehow).

It does still work since Halloween II starts right where the first ended, making it Halloween night of 1978. But that theory only works (without jumping through a bunch of hoops) if you accept Halloween, Halloween II and H20 as canon but ignore H4, H5 and H6 (and Halloween III, natch). Which is what H20 did anyway.