Ace Stephens

I sometimes get the impression that people think Escape From LA was meant to be taken seriously rather than as a satire of West coast absurdity (including Hollywood's repetitive/"fake" franchising machine) to compliment the satire of East coast absurdity that was Escape From New York. Many of the people I see

Did you watch the full sketch back a time or two? In my opinion, while it's evidently not the greatest thing ever, it doesn't really gel until like the third time. By then you'll either know if you think it's subtly brilliant or is the type of thing that makes you want to reach into your TV to strangle people.

It's the flat sort of absurd/fun "funny" they still manage from time to time.

I love it. The whole "funny, annoying, ironically funny, hilarious, irrelevant, eyeroll-worthy, return to form, etc."-type patterns run so much faster. Which makes nailing it all the more impressive since it gets old so quickly, is back "in" so randomly, etc.

While he seems like "a Trump supporter," he must be aware of how hated he is. So, to me, this looks as though it could easily be him trying to get any iffy Trump voters or undecided voters to vote for Hillary seemingly out of defiance of this asshat.

Yeah. A lot of Hitlers online.

While I understand that sentiment, I feel it is your (as in "one's") place to "criticize" anything within a relevant construct. Such as, in the case of the use of a phrase like "woke," pointing out the clear association to those who believe themselves to be "awake." The context of the concern is not whether their

"The use of the term 'girls' is part of an infantilizing, patriarchal culture that wishes to deny women their reproductive rights and keep them childlike and in service to adult men."

"Perhaps"? Nice smokescreen, bro. How much are they paying you?

The issue I see is that the former often believe themselves to be some form of the latter (the former's racist/anti-Semitic views - or any related ones - have a tendency to be due to what are "very real injustices" or closely related to them which they have largely misconstrued the cause of). And so that means that at

I didn't even notice it. Then again, I'm not fixated on feet. Also, I consider feet to often be the method by which humans move from one place to the next so, for stories specifically about traveling or so limited in their environment that any portrayal of movement might make the story feel more involving in terms of

As others have noted, there are some attitudes which contend that literally (or very close to) all people in the film industry are "reckless sexual deviants" and all this. So, for me, the accusation must at least be from a reliable party immediately aware of the events in order for me to start contextualizing the

…"Ripping that off " implies a form of cheap theft (which isn't an accurate term here in my view) but the episode is called "Bart to the Future" so it's already doing a relative "parody." It features a reference to Trump having been President when Back to the Future II (the franchise the title of the episode was

Well, also it was presumably a take on the Back to the Future II stuff that riffed on Biff (a Trump-like figure) becoming a big shot in a dystopian future. …Right?

So this makes Affleck Runner Runner?

Is that a thing? I've never heard of it.

Oh, well if it's a matter of AV Clubbers not usually noticing it, yes, I can see why that was pointed out. I was just pointing out that there are often conversations about why an actress over thirty is "too old" to be cast to be the love interest for some forty-five/fifty/fifty-five year old male action star

Why aren't people getting mad about the egregious age difference in other Hollywood films?

Why does it matter how pretty they were?!

They like their Holocausts.