Ace Stephens

Hey! What about…oh…nevermind. I can't remember.

Are you kidding me? It should have won "Most Overused Word On The Internet" but it wasn't even nominated! Talk about a snub!

Imagine that! Struggling to take something associated with The Room seriously…

I've met some obnoxious feminists. I've never met a not-obnoxious MRA.


No, I didn't as you didn't say it was necessary - you suggested "might" which relates to probability/potential. As in, at least as far as how I took it (although maybe I misinterpreted), "Wouldn't this be a good idea?"

But once the proportion of goon to non-goon fans among your following has reached a certain critical point, a little bit of soul-searching might be in order.

No, I have no prevailing interest in the gender of parties involved when it comes to insults/injustices/etc. My interest is in the facts of the situation and not in finding people responsible in a given instance due to a "bad reputation" or similar.

He and most people with any knowledge of online harassment know this, so it doesn't matter if you, personally, feel entitled to some sort of evidence.

Would you be arguing this same thing if you agreed with the side giving someone flak or similar?

I do not know what his expectations are, if they are measured, etc. And, if the implications of many otherwise here are to be believed, there is a level of (genuine) "crazy" surrounding him and his views so, within what they present themselves, it could easily stand to reason that he was unaware of this potential

I don't care about the television show. I have never seen Firefly. I care about people not being vilified or condemned in instances of hearsay, speculation, "guilt-by-association," etc.

I've tried finding more on it but it's been difficult. How do I internet?

…I just found a blog that references her post as well as Baldwin's apparent reply (it should be noted that it is from someone who appears to be heavily on Baldwin's side -… ). So, acting on the presumption that this is a fairly direct and accurate account of what occurred between the two

So he directed them toward her in a rude/bullying/etc. context? That's bad if it's the case. If he simply retweeted or retweeted and posted a rebuttal or something, even knowing some of his followers would agree with him and oppose her view…I don't see anything "bad" from him in that.

…And where in here is the thing Baldwin did that was bad?

Are you sure? 00s…70s…what else is there?

"Mr. Spielberg,
It is my heartfelt wish that you go fuck yourself.

I'm not sure if you meant this but I don't get the impression that these behaviors were "trying to outdo him" - I think this is the way Leto approaches most all of his roles.