
Same here. I don't get the returning to the scene of the TWD crime.

Yet here you are.

OK, so, why are all of these posters that have let the show go on their own TV / DVR still HERE talking about the show? Hell, I ditched FTWD a year ago, and I'm not interested at all in going into any website that talks about it. I wouldn't qualify as a viewer….I hate beets, but I'm not into buying more just to

OMG, this guy is SUCH a tool.

It's "acescasino." I know THAT'S right.

Yes. You will care. Come on, you're all going to watch it when it returns later this year, and you'll love seeing that Negan scene from another perspective. Oh, BTW - Put me down for Daryl getting the bat in the "who got killed by Negan" sweepstakes. (Norman Reedus has a new show coming out.)

You know when an in-law doesn't like you, and sometimes, that NEVER goes away. In Gordon's case, I'd love to be him — I get the checkbook out, and write that old crow a check for the balance owed her and Donna's father from my incredibly HUGE bank balance, created BY ME… In your face, you old bat.

Talk about getting kicked while you're down, and NOBODY knowing about it (except the airhead at the dance club)……But — I'm sure we all know an in-law like this. They see their loan to the family member helped out in the VERRRY long run, and they'd now like to be compensated. If I lent 23K to someone and I saw THEM

She can head back to Austin… But Mr. Wheeler knows good business when he sees it. Joe's idea to utilize that core system for all 24 hours of the day is brilliant, already in place, and Papa Wheeler simply needs to do… "Nothing." Family is one thing, but good biz is another. Watch Philip Wheeler tell his daughter to

WHAT was UP with that goofy-a$$ music that was used during the car chase? I literally burst out laughing, not normally the response I'd give SOA. Crap, why not just use "Yakity-Sax?"

Nah…She's got nothing left at this point. What, weasel out one more time, and hook up with Chucky? Perish the thought.

That's why I'm NEVER late in paying the gardener.

Um, Phil!

I had the CC on. Still didn't understand it.

I can respect that.

But you couldn't handle the smell from that CORPSE earlier, Quinn, old boy, but you could handle THAT tet-a-tit??

When she did that Top-Gun-Style "take me now, or lose me forever" -type line on Chibs, you KNEW we'd be gettin' a Scottish tush.

Crap. I'm a NetFlix binge-watcher. I don't get jack.

Would NEVER have thought about getting fingerprints off the corpse, or expecting some sort of switch. The head and arm would have worked for me, too.

This. No doubt in my mind. Oh, BTW, binge-watcher here. Have NOT seen the last few episodes.