aces are stacked

Oh Dude, it even sounds like shit. The dialogue and writing is bad. And this is coming from someone that does like all 3 games of the original ME series. All that’s left for enjoyment may be the “shooting stuff.”

I may cancel my pre-order. I’ve been hearing bad things about this game

Starting? It’s looked like shit since they started revealing gameplay. Yes cancel preorder.

Yah I canceled my pre-order today and ordered Horizon instead. So disappointed with BioWare on this!

The environments are very pretty. Animations, UI, etc... are typical Mass Effect mediocrity.

I...I WANT to, but I can’t. Because I know that most of the RPS writer’s opinions align closely with my own, and John Walker did a strong dunk aaaaaaaaaaall over the start of the game. I can’t take any more bad news, man, I just can’t!

In my opinion, until there’s further development in these three areas, EVs will always have limited market potential.

The current appetite for electrics is already a losing proposition *with* current emission and CAFE regulations. Tesla only survives because of government subsidization. I think you overestimate the percentage of the population who care about the electric car.

Disable the damn “autopilot.” Tesla fucked up big time with the feature totaling vehicles and maiming people. Government noted its skepticism, and cities are moving to ban driverless systems outright. Consumer Reports also published an open letter to disable the feature on customer units, and its smarter to trust them