
The Scumbag Ex (surprisingly not for the cornrows, he turned out to be a serial sexual assaulter) was similarly unaware of how awful White Guy Cornrows are, even with all of his friends telling him exactly why. It took me getting an earring caught in them while we were having sex for him to finally stop thinking they

Ha! I sympathise, one of my exes got cornrows for a music festival, then decided to keep them in for 6. Weeks. Afterwards. :/ That should have been the deal-breaker right there. I am ashamed to say it wasn't, and I'm even more ashamed to say I actually helped him brush them out and wash his (minging) hair when the

I figure it's much more because of how he acted immediately afterwards, i.e. sitting on the throne and waiting to see who would claim it. Ned thinks he's an arrogant twat anyway, he sees him lolling about the Iron Throne in front of Aerys's corpse, probably put two and two together and decides Jaime's after

The Marquis De Carabas. Always the Marquis De Carabas.

13-y-o Trashy's life was ruined, RUINED I TELL YE, by the Doctor Who movie because I had been so hyped up by the idea of New Doctor Who that when I watched it and hated it, my heart broke. It was the first time I think I'd ever felt truly disappointed as a fan by (mostly my own) hype. It took me an awful long time

Nothing in life will ever scare me like The Greatest Show In The Galaxy did...

While we're at it, can we talk about how "All About the Bass," a supposed "body positive anthem," is actually the most anti woman song of the year?

My then-boss, who is also my best mate, took the phone call and had to mute herself cos she was laughing so hard. It absolutely ended us all. Best night ever.

People asking for 'salty cockporn' is a favourite in my cinema.

We had one of our cinema mystery shoppers phone us up to ask what film was on at about 8pm 'cos that as when she was "planning to come in and mystery shop us". Needless to say we got 100% on that shop and an extra £50 bonus in our pay packet for hitting top marks...

Spoil my fun... ;P

A time-travelling American, you say...?

Technically Adric died on Earth too... ;)

Your tombstone?

Maybe he's just leaving room for Jesus...

Ha, no. He did, when he realised I was there. Apparently he was feeling overwhelmingly guilty....

Holy shit mate, that's just cruel! I'd have bashed the computer in!

Cheers. If it helps, apparently I'm handling the whole thing better than he is, according to our friends. I'm fairly certain that ranks pretty high on the Alanis scale of irony....

I got chucked by my partner of 7 and 1/2 years four weeks ago. Suffice to say I have been taking it like a pro (endless crying, not eating, not sleeping, the usual) and my friends decided I needed to go out and have a few drinks just to get me out and socialising again. Guess who was sitting in the same pub, with

I love Doomsday. As a Scot, it gives me great pleasure to know that it'll only take 27 years of isolation from the rest of the UK before we Mad Max-ify the entire country and start worshipping Malcolm McDowell....