Did you just say *thang*?
Did you just say *thang*?
Oh yeah. Guys get out of Mount Rose all the time on hockey scholarships... or prison....
I am a little ashamed of how excited I am by the phrase 'The Craft reunion'....
Seminal 90s teen-witch movie The Craft...
Clearly because this... https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!msg/…
That was my take-away from Tweetbeat too. I wonder if it's more a snark at what the tabloids would say about the photo rather than her 'championing the brand'...?
Double post. KIIIIIIIIINNNNJAAAAAAAA *shakes fists*
I love your gif more than I can say...
Perrie Little Mix: no honey, just... no....
The mosque in question is pretty... I don't really know the word to describe it... culturally important (?) in Abu Dhabi. Aside from being a very popular place of worship, and an important tourist destination, it's also the burial place of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founder of the UAE, and I'm pretty…
The Sheikh Zayed Mosque is only a few minutes from Mr. Trash's mum's house. I can only imagine what she would have to say about the photos of her draped over the courtyard if she saw them....
It's even funnier when you tell them 'Kennedy' actually means "ugly head" in Scots Gaelic! :)
So 1973-1978 in the US is pretty much the name twin of 1983 in Scotland. My parents thought Jennifer was a lovely, unusual name. When I got to school, there were 8 of us in my class of 33.
Poor Millhouse...
I'm not saying he's a vile, victim-blaming, worthless excuse for a human being, but knowing the facts....
It was the vagina ghost that got me the worst. That was a proper spit-take...
Laura, I have that same feeling. Re-watched The Hunger Games the other night, and the bit where Cinna says goodbye to Katniss gave me all the feels again, and I'll be watching Catching Fire with people who haven't read the books and don't know what's coming and OH GOD THE FEELS!!
El oh el headline: "Jamie Foxx Confirms Whether or Not He's Smashing Katie Holmes' Vanilla Cakes to Smithereens."