
Tom Brady, as he steps to mic following Goodell.
<mic squeal="">
"Ball don't lie."
<walks off="">
Missed opportunity, Brady.

I'll admit that's where my uninspired mind got it from. May as well do away with the weird racist version of "Canadian" and give it something more ribald.

Thanks, OPRAH.

I imagine this is how the legend of John Connor was born.

I propose we come up with universally recognized code words for genitalia that in themselves are not offensive.

Thank God Dunham didn't break out "hoo-hah." There'd be blood on the streets. Blood on … wherever.

Probably looks odd in interviews. But dedication to craft is commendable.

A concept not fleshed out, probably outdated.

$6 for the both of them on XBox this week. They've been trying to get me to play that game forever.

Nioh fulfillment got delayed—get this—1 to 2 months by my favorite online retailer. And I even preordered it. Guess they didn't gauge reaction correctly. Can't wait though. I'll just have to avoid spoilers until April/May which is totally easy on the internet.

^^^ This is from my favorite Robert Johnson song, "Two Pickle Blues."

That was the way to go. The actual dark meat soaked in that stuff was literally _soaked_ and a bit of a greasy mess, not to mention extremely average.

Oh my good God just in the theater and saw a promo for that Tom Hanks vehicle The Circle and it was like this whispery bullshit version of Orange Crush or something I can't quite remember 'cause I gave myself an auto-lobotomy while listening to it.

Easily. Pleased to meet you too. When that whole time travel thing gets sorted out we can convince Gram Parsons not to die and convince Uncle Tupelo to stay together in order to be the elder statesmen of alt country.

True. Op Ivy, a product of their time. Rancid: a fun band that just killed it compared to all the pop punk acts exploding at the time. The kind of band that showed them up as the mall-discovered boy bands that they were. But continuing to deliver on that ska punk sound that people wanted.

I guess this could be seen as a troll position. Or could be seen as true. I've followed Son Volt, while I believe everything after Wilco's "A.M." was just -meh-.

This can't be true. Yet I hope that it is.

Please say you countered this reaction by playing every French robot track available.

Agreed. Skeletor never looked so chic.

I'll tell you why. Because on DVD you have to kind of squint and say "could they have made that backdrop look any more awful" and on Bluray there's just no squinting or questioning needed. Bonus: you wanted the geometric tittays to make a really lasting and disturbing impression on any of your home theater attendees.