
I fear that Nintendo cannot see the RIM for the Blackberry. Or some damn thing. Guys, if Sega America had a fantastic run and a revered console and its mediocre sales weren't enough to keep it afloat in a crowded, highly-competitive market, how can yet another gimmicky console (and since the Gamecube, haven't they all

I can imagine right now that I Will Follow was sung by some baby-voiced waif, just above a whisper, and it accompanied a toddler following her mom around and it's oh-so-precious and whenever Bono sees the commercial he shoots his television.

How 'bout this trend where pop classics are made into ridiculous emo dirges (think Mad World) which somehow makes old music hip for kids? After hearing that ridiculous "I Walk the Line" I'm now permanently unable to achieve an erection.

I'll soon be the charismatic leader of a movement whose members refuse to Google factoids in order to one day be "in on the joke." We'll save literally dozens of man-hours per year, not to mention the sheer savings in cyberspace. I -think- cyberspace has a cost.

Some of his lines ruined it for me. Now I just picture Brad Pitt mangling "Buon Giorno," and Christoph Waltz marveling at how natural it sounds. "Bwone a Sweara, Ell Iota!"

Oh the soulless and uninspiring Greater Arlington/Alexandria Misery Axis and its Maryland counterparts. Werner Herzog should make a fauxcumentary about that place.

I would cry real tears, not from concentrate.

Love me some Old 97s. Wherever Wilco went way off into left f'ing field, Old 97s stayed true. Gotta see that act once again before either of us die.

Whores is such a freakin' great song, original or live. From that awesome time where Janes Addiction managed to embody a jam band, punk act, radio-friendly alternative rock group all in one.

Usually, me and the AV Club comments section crowd would be happy with some freeze-dried Taster's Choice, right, but Then Alex McCown-Levy springs this serious GOURMET shit on us!

God bless William Davis, as fine a Canadian as there ever was, but man for as many cigarettes as he rolled around in his fingers, I never believed even one puff of it.

Props to Emilio Estevez for faking it pretty damn well in Repo Man, doe. I don't think he was particularly sympathetic nor understanding of that scene, but he knew how to play the part. In the same way that Nick Cage would've fucked it all up.

Thank God. The man needs time to buy kitty litter &c.

Q: Why did Nic Cage become such a dominant meme?
A: Anyone who asks this question can be sent the link to this video as an answer

Group Captain Lionel Mandrake for tha muthaphreakin' game, set, match.

For a brief moment, didn't -everyone- kind of want to head down to 7-Eleven, buy Soldier of Fortune, and mail order that thing? Dude looked like overfed Freddie Mercury at the Renaissance fair.


Triggered: Now I want to buy an old Washington Bullets jersey.

Most of The Clash wouldn't though, even if I have kind of a lumbering slow-ish gait.

Was that Alison Mosshart's excuse back in her Discount days? I thought she was just a nerd. R.I.P. Discount.