
I'm not going to quibble over those, but I WILL say that his guitar work on the track they were working on the night he died, Walking on Thin Ice (a Yoko song), was effing amazing.

You're right. That's the third. With the little lean to the right.

He did a bit in the 70s where he offered them $3K to do the show. The chintziness was the bit. John and Paul were watching the show together. One version of the story has them going down to 30 Rock but they were too late. On the following show, George argued with Lorne that he deserved the whole amount. It was very

I love John Lennon with an absurd passion but Double Fantasy was awful. It got a bye because of his tragic murder. I apologize for offending you and will not use the weasely "if I offended you." Best regards.

I have the Veronica demo bootleg and it's amazing. Paul's amazing gift of harmonizing and sounding JUST like the other guy always blows me away.

If John Lennon hadn't been assassinated, we'd all have to admit what a piece of crap Double Fantasy is. Except for Yoko's cuts, which were very, very good.

His little solo in "Heart of the Country" from Ram remains one of my favorite warm-up licks.

I'm betting on the Cracker Barrel gift store. Or Starbucks……. Nah, Cracker Barrel.

I'll bet Lorne Michaels' offer will go down to $1,000, with $750 for Paul.

As an actor, Jonathan Frakes had two expressions: twinkly or shouty. I always remember his amateur pause when Guinan enters the Ready Room to meet with him. He says, "Guinan…" and pauses for a cue pick up. Terrible, abysmal actor. And gifted, talented director. Who knew?

Well, until the end when he died but didn't die but really did die because he had to hang with the prophets indefinitely, all of whom looked just like people he'd only known for 7 years of his life.

I still don't get the whole "Khan's blood" thing. There were 70 odd people in stasis on the Enterprise with the same enhanced blood but they decided Khan's was the only blood up to the task.

CBS All-Access will inspire an entire new generation is in the use of BitTorrent.

(covers Peabo tattoo with duct tape). Tell us more, Haden.

There are worse laws.

Cabot Cove: An American Crime Story

This is an insanely bad idea. Like creating a band called The Beatles with a different lineup or a comedy ensemble called Monty Python with a new cast.

My complaint on GG revival: they had too damned much money. Limitations bring creative solutions and lacking them causes things like the preposterous and pointless "Across the Universe" montage and the fantasyland wedding oasis Kirk built by himself when no one else was looking,

If you replace it with the blood of a radioactive 10 year old, you get special powers, some of which involve slugging people you like in the shoulder.

And it was a great tour, to boot.