
Got remarried a few years back and my wife and her daughter and I watched Chopped. My wife mentioned then that the grandfather of reality shows was Survivor. So we began watching Survivor. Daily. Sometimes two episodes. For a year and a half. Until we had finished it all, every episode (except for one or two

Sweet Jesus, I hate Method actors.

It's my all time favorite soap opera.

We inherited the name from Nash Bridges. Don Johnson, he don't mind.

It has a smallish but very, very loyal following. I just checked and it's not on Netflix and isn't on Amazon Prime; it's on Amazon video but for a fee. It's on Hulu, tho'. Someone might pick it up, like the unlikely Dish Network (I think) pickup of Friday Night Lights.

The show was so un-Muppet that it's like they aren't cancelling Muppets at all; just something happening in some alternate Muppet universe.

Wondrous Woman and Green Torch. Mark my words. Red pencil is fine.

I'm sorry for the actors (who'll most likely move) and the crew (who likely won't be able to because of Runaway Film Production and Canadian subsidies) but it'll be good having these universes on the same network. I'm personally looking forward to the Constantine/Supergirl crossover. She'll take up smoking, mark my

Spiffy episode; good plotting, wonderful DP/Direction (loved the 'Oculus Saunter,' starting with our heroes upside down). And, as they say on The Farm Film Report, may the Good Lord take a likin' to you and blow you up real good.

I didn't actually read the instructions. I went right to looking for WW. I suck.

You know why I'm unhappy. A certain fictional president from New Hampshire, winner of a Nobel Prize for economics, and holder of the best alias ever, Joe Bethersonton, is not here. I'll vote, but only under protest.

I've always thought it was a mic drop with a Telecaster.

I hope only that someday I'll have a Yabba Dabba Doo time.

I've always thought Sean Hannity looks like Fred Flintstone.

My Don McLean story: I had a wonderful guitar teacher in the mid 70s who told me this. Before the hits broke for McLean, he had a gig in DC. And, for reasons known only to him, he showed up in town without a guitar, apparently hoping the guitar fairies would drop one in his hands. My teacher, a legend in DC music

Aside from Vincent, another good sized hit, he wrote "And I Love You So," which became an old people standard. By old people, I mean old people at the time. Perry Como had the hit with it.

As a certified old person (although I was born right as the 50s were ending) I couldn't agree more. Keep not putting up with bullshit.

Oh, yeah more thing: since The Universe's Shittiest Tardis, the Waverider, has limb making stuff, why didn't they take a DNA sample from 2046 Oliver Queen and grow him a new damned arm?

This may show up elsewhere but the "Bill Gates, Sr." joke was oddly annoying to me. He's a name partner at a distinguished law firm, Preston, Gates, and Ellis, and wouldn't be a dork in a physics class like that. He's a pretty dynamic individual.

Hard to say. He lived in Mexico until he was six or seven so I don't know what accent his father had. But I have little doubt theer's some personal experience there.