
I had always liked Fords until the last few years I started to realize they’re really really really cheaply made, especially the interiors. I started seeing a ton of different recalls, and the main thing for me was on my initial quest to get a bronco, coming to terms that its just not a great vehicle quality and

I think the entire world is ND right now.

Well put.  I’m tired of these blatant NDs.

A prime example of what you get when you put lipstick on a roach.

With social media, everyone is a brand now.

The only thing that makes Tesla unique and legit valuable is the charging network. It open up a lot of travel options.

Brand loyalty is for boomers. The brand does not care about you and the dealerships don’t care.

First gear:

Crazy part is, that little cub also has the power to kill you

Nearly 80% of people who bought Kia Corp.’s EV6 electric crossover since it went on sale early this year traded in something other than a Kia

I would be gobbling up Rover Minis if I had the resources. Love these things!

I low-key love this, but I think the enterprising teenager should have brushed up on his graphic design skills. Comic Sans and cartoon palm trees? Yikes.

Good, they need to crack down on a bunch of other advertising doubletalk while they are at it.  Next place to visit - the term unlimited.

Comic Sans typeface IS a crime.

“...the bill had its proponents, namely Elon Musk. He attempted to lobby against the bill...”

Of course, the bill had its proponents, namely Elon Musk.

My ex would look out the window at the apartment complex parking lot and wait for a closer spot to open up, and then go outside and move his car closer. Try to figure that one out.

To me, I’ve always wondered how Telsa could claim what they do with the Federal Truth in Advertising Laws. The latest version is 2016, but really there have been laws in American about not lying out your ass (too obviously) in ads since 1911.

Although as an addendum to your first one, I do so love the opportunity to sarcastically veer around someone waiting forever for the perfect spot, parking my car, then walking past their still-waiting-to-park ass into the store.

It is sooooo important for some people to be closer to the entrance. I work out early in the morning at a nearby school and get there at 5am. Depending on when I leave, there is a lady that will, if she sees me leaving, walk all the way back to her car and move it to the closer spot even though she spent more time