Ace of May

I have envisioned Hugh Laurie as Roland for just about ever. Roland was not some conventional studly guy. Tall and lean ("Old Long, Tall and Ugly", as Eddie called him), striking blue eyes, and, I'm sure I'll get flamed and called a racist, but Roland's whiteness was key to the story, unless they're just going to

Shit, even I already miss the Knuckle Knife. That thing is awesome.

Good point. I guess it was the exaggerated fumbling with the gun that made me think she might be overdoing it a little…. but it is a pretty big group for them to notice the particulars about every member. I do like her better in her cargo pants and badass boots than that damned cardigan though. So I hope "den mother"

I agree that Carol is faking, but I also have to wonder - if Aaron and Eric were watching the group for a while, wouldn't they have at least some idea that Carol is not exactly a den mother? Aaron doesn't strike me as a dummy, and it wasn't until they actually got through the gates and had to turn in their weapons

It was more people calling her useless. Which to a point she was, I guess, before she developed survival skills, but a lot of people (those who apparently thought everyone should innately have the skills needed to survive the zombie apocalypse) seemed to be really hard on her and just wanted her to die, while I was

He DID integrate, though. After Hershel's farm he became a highly respected member of the group, particularly at the prison, where everyone respected him. Now it's like back to square one, and after 5 seasons, I don't need to see Daryl's evolution all over again. It would just be redundant in my opinion.

He's become one-dimensional. I hope they work on that. Although there has also been speculation that he may die in the season finale. I have no doubt SOMEONE major will, especially in a 90-minute episode, but maybe it will be him. I'd rather they just make him interesting again, but we'll see.

Loved L. GIlliard as Bob, and I was sad that he was killed off. I know Kirkman has said that the only character who is truly "safe" is Carl, but I hope Carol sticks around for a while. She's become so pivotal. And while the Emmys are stupid IMO, she deserves one anyway. She's just that good. I should say, I like Ross

I dunno, I seem to remember a lot of people saying she was weak or useless and wishing she was gone. With the departure of Scott Wilson, I believe her to be the best actor on the show (although she has competition with the arrival of Tovah Feldshuh and I like Seth Gilliam also). I'm glad they didn't kill her off in

A couple of general observations:

Seriously, I know he's "Daryl Dixon, redneck badass" and all, but why would anyone be THAT opposed to taking a shower? He's gotta be all itchy by now. Probably has skin fungus too. And jock itch. Eew. Take a friggin shower, it doesn't make you less tough, just less disgusting.

Hmm, possible…she didn't seem thrilled to be there though.But maybe that's why they had that secret hangout room that Carl found. Maybe she was staying there. But I don't get why they wouldn't let her in, she's a 14-year-old kid.

I also had a "hmm" moment when we met Enid because didn't Deanna say that Rick's group were the first people they had let in in a long time? Yet that Ron kid told Carl that Enid had arrived recently.

Am I the only one wondering if it might have been Carl's new friend Enid who took the gun Rick left in the blender? Just a thought.

What's funny is that homophobes always seem so fixated on those little homosexual moments. The kiss lasted all of what, three seconds? They weren't making out, and it wasn't even well lit. So much happened in the episode and yet all you can focus on is 3 seconds. I'm a straight female but personally I loved the

He was hiding under a car and apparently the walkers rolled the tire over it, I assume while trying to get at him. I also assume it was Maggie, Glenn, Abraham, et al. who saved his bacon.

Yup because Rick made up his mind the second Aaron was introduced that he was an enemy, and that pretty much nothing would convince him otherwise. Aaron knew that. I get being cautious, of course, but by a certain point when Aaron still seemed to be on the level, and people like Maggie, Glenn and even Daryl seemed to

A theory as to why there were no people in the pictures Aaron brought - it crossed my mind that it was another way of trying to keep their people safe, by keeping their identities hidden from Rick and the group. Could be wrong, just a thought. I liked this episode, and I liked Aaron. I definitely don't see how it

I like the one chick who says she lost weight and then apologizes for it. "Reasons out of my control". What, was she afraid someone would resent her for her size? I mean, only thin people do that to fat people… right? Ugh.

I used to worship him, basically. But everything I've ever heard about him points to him being a complete douche toward his fans. There's no reason for that. Other than being a douche.