Mr. Douchebag

I think we're getting to that point but we aren't exactly there yet. The Android devices don't have any real brand recognition in the eyes of the everyday consumer. They know anything with an "i" for a prefix is good. Notice how unrelated products in virtually every industry have tried to capitalize off of the

You are absolutely correct!

See you seem to suffer from Giz-itis too.

I don't doubt that for a second. Your eyes will adjust to the size of the screen. Now, can you tell me if Apple announced a larger screen and started carrying on about how magical it is and start showing awesome visuals that you wouldn't be standing in line with millions of other people?

I'll take your word for it on the typing issue.

You're right - I live in New York. People tend to keep their eyes on their own laps here - except to look up to see what clothes they should be wearing and what products they should be flashing.

I take it you don't live in New York City, do you? Everything done here is about be on the bleeding edge of trends. Five years ago, you were nothing if you didn't have a Blackberry.

Ha! I never noticed that until now, I have never seen anyone with an iPhone typing in landscape mode.

"I wish I had four hands..."

People with iPhones want larger screens. They just don't want to lose the status symbol of having the device the popular people have. Notice how the size not mattering argument isn't being used with televisions - even though people can comfortably see what's happening on a 32" screen.

You make some good points. Naturally, I cannot relate to your plight but I can now understand your position better now that you have thoughtfully explained them to me.

The concept as presented seem cool but it's the slippery slope portion of where the precedent is going that is alarming.

You're right - which is why it makes it hard to buy his argument on some levels. Some ladies are traditional but many of them love "trashy American TV" as much as anyone here. For ever 1 traditional Asian woman I see on the subway, I see three with LV purses.

You are 1,000% correct.

I was going to reply to the article directly but I am glad I saw this instead.

I think the CEA guy has a point.

The fact that I don't care what anyone thinks about my relationships speak volumes. I don't need to give that much thought to the opinions of others. I don't need to create new terms for the dictionary to try to define. I just wish to live my life.

Since when does disagreement equal judgment? Not everyone will like everything that everyone does. To even suggest this should be the case is just weird to me.

I am a natural idealist and I identify with the vision you have but we are and deal with imperfect human beings. We all say things that are hurtful to someone - whether we're trying to offend or not.

Your argument is my argument. If a homosexual privately disagrees with the disagreement of a heterosexual, there's a difference between that and "publicly slinging insults".