Mr. Douchebag

From my experience, the loudest people shouting "homophobia!!!!" from the top of their lungs are throwing that word at anyone that does not agree - including people that do not fear them. The definition you gave can be accurate but generally is only accurate in a tiny percentage of people that it could possibly apply

Thank you for making sure you plugged in the word "seem". It is apparent to me that you have left open the possibility your assessment can be incorrect.

In today's world, a person doesn't have to describe their distaste in a malicious fashion. They simply need not to agree.

I fully acknowledge and agree with what you said. People who live a certain lifestyle that THEY THEMSELVES have accepted as life as they know it don't feel the need to throw around "homophobic" as an epithet.

From what you just said, I see we agree from opposite ends of the spectrum. You think I am taking it too far and I am saying those that feel the need to go too far in the opposite direction are also in the same boat.

Truer words haven't been said.

First, a person isn't their actions. I may not agree with a behavior but the behavior isn't the person. Therefore, I hate no one. I do find it interesting that you used the word "hate" where I never did.

What you just described is Human Nature as seen in imperfect beings. It doesn't matter what hobby you choose to partake in. That will not negate nature.

I can think of one reason: Free will.

I share an understanding with both Rapscallion and HBK_23.

I see where you're coming from but then one has to ask you about the fact that the word "gay" at one time did not refer to sexuality of any kind.

Misnomer I despise the most: "homophobia".

Apparently, these people were rioting over the insane profits they stood to make reselling said future door stop.

Even I won't be able to watch ESPN if that happens.

I read that first part as "What kind of shit is that,".

This is a likely possibility. I wonder what weapons they would have in that sequel...

You have been on this site long enough to know what's being said without it being said. Everything having to do with the mobile arena on Gizmodo is being silently or not-so-silently compared to the Apple equal.

"Just because I think it's weird or stupid doesn't mean I have the right to judge them, and besides I'm sure I do things that they would consider weird or stupid."

My wife hates pink and likes green... I prefer white, black and all shades in-between. I have gotten into green in the 6 years I known my wife.

My mistake - I meant 7or 8 figure...