@cipher.Cero: "I've gone through two Vizio TV's"
@cipher.Cero: "I've gone through two Vizio TV's"
@Hiphopopotamus: Have you tried Cablevision before? IMO, TWC has better overall quality and consistency than Cablevision.
@DMI_PHYTER: Yes, the components are cheap but why are they cheaper?
@anitesh.jaswal: I laugh at those adverts every time I see them. Knowing that they are scamming people this way brings less credibility to all of their other products.
This review is informative but is there a reason I should buy an ereader when there are Kindle applications for most mobile platforms?
@FriedPeeps: I think he is saying that because of how Assange positioned himself, he will not be tortured or murdered by spooks.
@The Lab: I love how they keep saying things like this when these organisms were found - not only on this planet - but in this country...
@pixelsnader: Sorry...
@easterbunny: You seriously think that? When a dude straps on a bomb under his balls, all bets are off buddy.
@typica1cat: Instant Heartclick
@pixelsnader: I am about to skip all of that and get some Turtle Beach headsets. It sucks when you hear footsteps and take a knife in the back because you can't tell what direction the steps are coming from.
@MrEvil: I feel the same way about my WiMax-enabled handset.
@dtptampa: ...yeah. He should have used a Titanium alloy.
@pixelsnader: I did exactly this. I bought an Acer 24" HD monitor with HDMI and hook it up to the cable box and the PS3.
If they built a 27" model with a built-in PS3, I would be running to go buy this.
@FriedPeeps: Heartclick-worthy comment.
@wjglenn: If I were the tech, I would have had a can of Spam sitting on the counter.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: The sad part?
Another example of how easily a fool is parted with his money...
@abadpun: I already have to carry a nuclear energy plant around to keep my Evo up and running.......