Mr. Douchebag

@quinnelizabeth: Maybe because you don't think people who bat for both team will be a real threat to supplant either one of you. Someone who has a singular focus may cause some tension if they choose to focus solely on either one of you.

@The Lab: It looks like a dual trackpad. Close enough, no?

@guitarherozer0: I find it tough to argue with you since I kept my Touch Pro 2 when I got the Evo.

@YOUCANNOTDENY: I cannot deny that you should speak solely for yourself.

@AmphetamineCrown: However, the lives of the plants would have to be sacrificed.

@Ben R: I am in wholehearted agreement with your stance.

@cbytes: ...but with it being yet another flavor of Android hardware, how long will an update take? The Galaxy phones that are out haven't been updated yet. I doubt they would let a PMP skip the line.

@countjackula: 2.1 isn't exactly up-to-date... 2.2 has been out for months now.

@bizzo98: The exchange rate has the value of the dollar less than that of the Euro but some companies keep the nominal amount the same.

@ClearEnigma: I can't argue with that thinking! Unfortunately, most women will argue against that last part.

@Nihilexistentialist: See, I am glad you said it so I can escape the hate replies from the guilty-feeling iConsumers.

@AudeKhatru: ...or any roaches? I don't buy it for a minute. Even the most clean homes eventually get infiltrated by the little bugs trying to set up shop.

@rnoyfb: This is why I like to read the comments before posting.

@yanksno1: if his DNF percentage is that high, wouldn't the estimated time he spent on the game be higher? Either way, it sounds like he is allergic to vagina.

@Gary_7vn: I was partially joking. That really did happen and the barb is still stuck in the palm of my hand. Bees now make me super-nervous now.

@Gary_7vn: ...except that one bee that stung my hand when I was 7. There was nothing altruistic about that assault that stung me for life.

@Hellaphunt: Only if he were talking to two doofs named Bob.

@KamWrex: Maybe the fact I am using my Evo 4G gives me a slight edge on image uploading...