@learniiburn: I really laughed my ass off at that scene. I immediately thought that the final kill scene in Kickass stole that from Mr. Bronson.
@Sam Biddle: How is this for depressing: I watched Death Wish V right after that.
The scariest part of this article is I was watching Death Wish IV last night around the same time Prof. Giz specified in his response to the cable dude. It wasn't on TBS though. It was on AMC.
@staticfive: It would probably cause an ugly papercut-style injury but it's strength is in it's ability to stretch. It wouldn't be rigid enough to really cut through much of anything.
@A Magician Named Gob: You're right about the games and useless applications on FB. People don't have to take everything the site throws at them.
@TheAfroman: I completely agree with you on all counts. People can only know what you tell them. I don't post anything I wouldn't want a total stranger knowing.
@techynottreky: This thought came to my mind first. Even at one atom, the height and width would be difficult to measure but not impossible.
@zerovampire311: Word is, Clear has a plan to add to WiMax or replace it with LTE. I think Sprint has learned their lesson with the Nextel failure.
@DJKGinHD: No doctor needed. Just ask anyone who has been punched in the eye.
@philselmer: There is more space on the side to work with too. Just compare it to the Evo. The Evo has almost no border. Lol
I think they could have made a larger screen. The bezel is just too big.
@EljhHck: That worked a helluva lot better than my broken joke.
@EljhHck: It's fun to make fun of companies like Verizon but even I can't believe they would go that far. They would be committing suicide if they did that. Everyone would be calling Verizon to cancel faster than...
@MJDeviant: Yes. Both the Evo and the Epic are 4G devices and will cost you $79.99/mo with all the services included instead of the customary $69.99/mo.
@zerovampire311: Your existence on the Verizon payroll explains the reply you left on the comment above. Please excuse my reaction.
@zerovampire311: Maybe Sprint doesn't exist in your world but it does exist for everyone else.
@EljhHck: Your hammer hit the data button too many times.
@indiecraig: Giz covered this issue last year. They posted a couple of stories that people had complaining about the issue.
@MifuneT: Giz did cover this last year which is probably why Verizon sent the email to Giz on a Sunday night.