Mr. Douchebag

@vinod1978: ...maybe orange for weak signal?

@timro27: If this was an issue with other devices, why are iConsumers picking on just the iP4?

@vinod1978: If you had to make a quick call (pun reluctantly intended) would you say it is easier to come across this issue with the iP4 or the 3GS? The iP4 or the crappy Touch Pro 1 and 2? The iP4 or my old Nokia 5165 from 2001?

@PwnCakes193: ...and while you're absolutely correct, the thing those crappy phones did not share with the iP4: They both had the ability to hold calls/signal no matter how you held the devices.

@Go Vols!: Well, it seems like they had to stretch to find a problem on other devices that is easily encountered on their first-batch iP4s.

@Boomdiggity!: Dude, you hit the nail right on the head here. It is very plain to see the differences in how both companies have chosen to deal with their errors and how those choices have affected their reputations.

@Go Vols!: I did not see any proof offered here at all by Mr. Jobs. I saw blame deflection though.

@gx12ock: Sounds like more than two cents. It sounds like actual productive reasoning. If what you say is true, you might have been able to save some of Apple's sagging face.

@dahveed: It would he groovy if you backed up your claims with some reasoning and/or evidence.

@k2kyo: I don't know what Android users you are referring to but from where I sit, this action taken by Motorola/Verizon makes this device an absolute Do Not Buy.

@MacAttack: If you are truly interested in finding this man, I have a hot tub time machine for sale.

@ravrahn: I have to agree. My Evo has no signal issues. My craptastic Touch Pro 2 makes calls with ease. If they are barking up HTCs tree with this, they should stop at the gate.

A certain comment made below sent @ 6:12PM is so ripe for the banhammer.

@NuevoLeon: I thought LeBron James already announced the renouncement of his manhood last week. You think Jobs will also have an one-hour special too?

Anyone else feel the totally disrespect towards the consumer?

Anyone else feel the totally disrespect towards the consumer?

Anyone else feel the totally disrespect towards the consumer?

@Claytons: I don't think they are the only ones that discriminate - I think all of us are guilty of that to some degree.

@FriarNurgle: We are an anti-Apple household. We would need an Android application or a Winchester application.