
As someone who volunteers for the WRC I want to point out the fact that the WRC does massive consultation with local communities well before any event.

Martin Brundle agrees.

that particular company is having a fairly bad last twelve months.

Just a boop

Mmm rc211v ... *Drool*....Sucks this was never put into a street machine

That was a true v5 as well. Most memorably ridden by Nicky Hayden. RIP

Your brain is thinking of “miss” as a verb. If “miss” is the verb, then “nearly-missed” becomes a hit. Because “near” is the adjective, the noun “miss” will remain as a miss. (Yes, modern English is full of this auditory and written weirdness, and I hate the inefficiency of it all.)

I don’t blame Euclides. He was just confused by the geometry of NYC grid system.

If only there was a car similar to that now. Perhaps even with RWD.

Instead of this:

It’s about time the WWF actually started having wrestling matches.

I saw one once at Barrett Jackson like 7 years ago. It was awesome.

The metric system is based on interlocking measurements, such that distance, mass, and other things have specific meaning. A meter isn’t a meter just because someone said “eh that looks good, mark it down”. Now you could argue that things like the measure of water’s cubic volume/mass/etc at Sea level is an arbitrary

“We has addressed the matter.”

If only there were a way to combine a homogenous-charge engine with a hybrid drivetrain…

For those who have lost count, I believe this is rollover #3

“due to the non-Subaru part or its installation.”

To add to what Flawed_Logic stated about video journalism, I think a good example of using writing and video reporting in tandem is your Gawker colleague Doug DeMuro. He often covers the same things in both formats but makes a good case for both reading and watching.

I like how the front end looks very angry, all “GRR GET OUT OF MY WAY” and the back end looks, “OMG, wuut? did just pass you?! no way!”