Also because most people don’t want to see anyone but Harrison Ford play Han Solo.
Lake Merritt is awesome you should definitely check it out if you are ever in Oakland
Of course, it’s easy to dismiss all of this as taking the Marvel universe far too seriously.
god the NFL is so dumb
the hardest pass possible on this one
hawkeye is thanos’ son
how the fuck did this school not get the death penalty
i always wondered what donald trump would sound like as a football coach. actually no i haven’t, but here we are.
i feel like this movie is taking tommy wiseau method acting to the extreme
theres no way this is kush, they clearly hired a hand model to hold the baby
what a clown
so is this worth buying now?
he seems like a giant douche
I like the cut-ins because it adds some context to the interviews.
the book sucked and was built entirely on borrowed interest. Not surprising the movie sucks too.
people still watch this show?
Hey it worked for Nick Foles.