
Nah, the poster was white.

seriously, my replies get held in limbo for years awaiting mods approval but shit spam like this gets through everytime..

Hi there, it's me again! Just wanted to pop in and say thanks to Darpa. We think your early chips were cute! Ciao for now!

No, because if it was, it would have gone backwards into the ground before it could have gone forwards . . .

Really? Because, all I read was "reset all settings," "reset network settings," and "reset safari settings." Oh, and check your battery usage screen . . .

Much like a German stylist, you look bitter

See, he told you a speck could talk.

This. Never has a FF theme ever got me as much as this one.

it's a nostalgia punch RIGHT IN THE FEELS! I'm 34 and haven't played it since it came out when I was 24! I kinda teared up when I heard the song

i agree this one is the the most memorable for me,very close is balamb garden song

Now playing

the orchestrated versions of this give me goosebumps! definitely one of the best.

Now playing

This really really needs a mention, this song is about the most beautiful pieces of music that I know. I get goose bumps and all, it's just soo lovely and filled with nostalgia..

The best gaming mousepad, by-far, hands-down, of all time (etc) is the SteelSeries 5L.

I guess that makes it


Stop bitching. You know what the author meant.

Thanks for the nightmares.