
Thank you! I'm tired of reading blog post after post of factually-incorrect material before it has been checked for accuracy.

That can happen when your house is located inside of an Institution and it's your month for committee observation . . .

YOU get bent bro. Sounds to me like you are vying for a position at one of the mobile carriers. Got an interview at ATT coming up? Damn.

Rye = /

I, too, work in a regulated environment and have no personal (only business) access to the WiFi network. Moreover, because of the nature of my job, I do a lot of travel. My iphone and ipad have nearly replaced my laptop in most situations, and thus, I check all of my e-mail and vpn from those devices. Moreover,

Bring the lunches home and photograph them there. Ziploc = wonderful invention.

Well, you would if you sent a picture of your pussy ......... cat.

No - but the Zuck could buy 20 of anything she wanted, plated in diamonds and gold.

Reading comprehension is not everyone's strong suit.

"Oh, hey there! I just saw your cup-making robot and thought he was so cute! Well anyway, see ya' soon!"

I'm moving to Telegraph, or Smoke Signals, if AT&T follows suit . . .

So, we can deduce that people are having more sex during the late Fall months. Considering 9 months for normal pregnancy, the majority of popular birthdays occur between July and October. That means conception mostly occurs between October and December.

Done and Done.

Do you have any idea how long I could power my devices/home/etc if I could burn my own shit??? I wouldn't need supplemental fuel for a VERY long time.

It's also:

With that kind of attitude, it's a good thing you don't . . .

R.I.P Firefly and Sarah Connor Chronicles = (


I have a major problem with this. So long as this man was respectful of his immediate neighbors while making the phone call, I can see no other issue with him making a VoIP call.

Do you annoy others on the bus/train/other public transportation ad nauseum? Get used to it - technology these days enable multi-device communication in modern society.