
Honestly TDK was so good I didn't even notice how long it was...I still watch it on blu ray and don't mind..165 minutes sounds a bit much though.

Excellent list. I've re watched BSG and Lost over the last few months. Both of those episodes listed are still stand outs for me..brilliance.

I might just wait and do that then. I'm not really too keen on using torrents anymore. I think I might check iTunes. For some reason I doubt they have it up though.

Thanks Mekki..sounds like you really enjoy it ha ha. I'm definitely a fan of the shows that make you think (I love Awake, stupid NBC for canceling it). I'll for sure have to check POI out at some point before the next season !

Thanks Annalee..I'll have to find somewhere to watch before the next season starts.

I've been thinking about watching this show. I didn't start it because I figured it would get canceled(network tv hates sci-fi) but I'm a huge fan of Emerson (Ben Linus). Is this show really good ?

Fuck Fox !

I was doubtful after that first trailer sometime last year..but the last two have looking amazing. I can't wait for this movie !

Good month for Joss ! Cabin in the Woods was amazing and this is getting great reviews.

I think this season started off pretty weak but when Peter came back it improved IMO. Tonight's episode is the first one I've been "excited" for all season.

That 23 year old is either lying or her parents didn't have internet until 05. I'm 24 and I for sure remember using dial up internet. Anyways..landlines, discs and faxes will be gone.

I'm a fan of Christian Bale but 'Best actor in hollywood' ? C'mon now...but anyone would be better than Ashton.

Hipster Ariel...will you marry me ?

Cersei is the only one I hate. Sansa is just naive and Catelyn has made a few mistakes...still a good woman though.

Well at least the redhead was pretty hot.

I love Natalie Dormer.

I meant Friday night at 9pm on Syfy....BSG's old time slot. Merlin's and Sanctuary's current time slot.

Yeah I know...I understand the whole "Imagine Greater" blah blah blah..still frustrating,

While I enjoy Being Human..WH13..Alphas..Lost Girl..and Sanctuary(which I'm sure is about to be canceled) I miss the days of someone who loves Sci-fi(I'm sure everyone else here does to) it pains me to see the one channel that's supposed to deliver..isn't. Sci-fi is almost non existent on

I agree with everything except maybe I Am Legend...I enjoyed that movie a lot. Though the end was predictable....