
Trump’s complaints about everything ever are whiny bullshit. That being said, I agree with John Hodgman here.

Option 3: Relevant question/comment.

I think society would be better with at least 50% fewer jokes. Business meetings/calls would be better with at least 95% fewer jokes.

This has been a Republican thing for a while. They’re the party of inarticulate old man rage. I think Republican policy objectives have become less broadly popular, so they’re relying more and more on the vague in-group anger at out-groups.

He might be an idiot. I think the more immediate problem is that he’s a law-and-order authoritarian. That’s all he’s ever been and it took him pretty far.

Yeah, and he has no problem destroying lives and repeating absurd conspiracy theories. I think he was an early pusher of the theory that the Clintons murdered Vince Foster and also pushed Seth Rich conspiracies.

I dislike sitting at the gym. It feels weird, a bit contradictory, to me to sit down while I’m working out.

I can’t stand Rush now. He’s such a smug asshole.

I agree. Trump’s brain rot shows how powerful Fox-style disinformation is for older folks.

Would he ever resign out of fatigue/mental breakdown? I’d love to see that, but I don’t think he would ever voluntarily leave office because of his legal exposure as a private citizen.  I guess I can always root for stroke/aneurysm.  

So many people seem to want to burn down modernity, and for what? Because they think white people won’t be a majority anymore? Because they’re scared that our Muslim in the US will go UP to 2% or something?

He is also literally going down the same hole many boomers are: Fox News brain rot.  It used to seem like Trump was cynically repeating conservative conspiracy BS.  Now it’s clear that he actually believes the worst of the fever swamp nonsense.

He’s not even a good bullshitter. His bullshit sounds like a kid trying to escape punishment.

Nobody would ever expect these bozos to pay, right?  If you’re an unscrupulous ass who wants to expose the whistleblower, you’d never go to these idiots.

I like paper planes, but not enough to make it a go to.

When you were deep in Fox world, do you think the current intra-Fox squabble would have impacted your views? Would something like Shep Smith leaving have made a difference?

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From one year in the future I bring you the Champs-Elysees. I use regular brandy instead of cognac.

I don’t think Nonino is worth the price. I feel like I might as well be drinking bourbon if I’m drinking Nonino.  My mistake might be trying to use it in cocktails.  I’ll drink it on ice a few more times to see if it grows on me.

It’s not like being a parent means you do nothing. You do different things.

Is it better for the world if Fox News totally abandons any journalistic pretense?  I think it is because there are people at the margins of the Fox audience who might realize that it’s a propaganda outfit.