
And dictators were once called liberators. What's your point.

Because black Americans who are the descendants of slaves just love it when a high caste Indian talks down to them. Have fun with your ID politics kids!

Family Fight and Being Frank are great episodes, plus I am a fan of Ass Kickers Unite because they get Dax Shepard to self immolate.

First of all, how boring must you be to despise magic? Second, read Julian Jaynes. According to him, consciousness is a function of evolution and before it developed human left and right brains communicated through mostly audio and sometimes visual hallucinations. In his view, those suffering from schizophrenia are

Hey I got a great idea, make them listen to Mozart and Beethoven and Bach until they understand what great music is. Then you can introduce them to your petty tastes later.

sounds bananas. I'll have to check it out

Spergatron 5000 says: That is not a tank. It is an Armored Personnel Carrier, American made M-113. Which is how they all fit inside. Doesn't APC 432 have a similar ring?

Just Oliver Stone in every movie he's cast John C. McGinley. Sgt. O'Neill anyone?

you'll tackle your eye out kid

Your idiocy is in your own hands now

Parroting official doublespeak doesn't shed any light on the issues at stake. In fact, it does the opposite. You should change your user name to NeverLeavePlato'sCave.

Nope. The Federal Reserve is a private cartel

Too little too late buckaroo. Let me drop some knowledge on youse in order to prevent your complete transition from useful idiot to useless idiot.

And just think, had the Americans not intervened, a detente would have been concluded, the Treaty of Versailles would never have happened, and Hitler would never have come to power!

I wrote a serious drama called Battlestar Cracktica, in which Tyrone Biggums, as the last remaining sanitation department employee, becomes head of humanity. He faces quite the moral dilemma when it turns out that only Crack-filled torpedoes will defeat the Cylons.

Blitzkrieg is not all that new a concept. Hit the enemy with overwhelming force at his weakest point, Alexander did that at Gaugemela in the BCEs.

Having seen the movie, it needed a few things: I couldn't help but think it was more like a Lifetime movie: Mother May I Steal Your Baby?

Saul Rubinek's Kissinger was great always trying to explain his policies to the girls.

You did the right thing. I don't blame you. Don't feel bad.