
Well to be fair, both of those things require some serious dedication to really be good at

You know your ass is gonna show up for one last shot in the last trailer you sunofabitch

So something that seems kind of interesting is that I'm not sure Cap is entirely in the right here, and the movie knows it. Tony talks about how they need "limitations" and makes a good point. Jessica Jones talks about how they let people die in the New York battle. I wonder if they'll do something new by having Cap

Damn, like I wasn't sold enough already just on goodwill from Winter Soldier.

Oh totally, I didn't mean to sound like I was calling you out or questioning your credibility; more just in general I dislike the point of "this was so bad I didn't finish it" or , even worse, theater walk-ous.

I think the Shakespeare scenes have a little more to offer than you might realize. Throughout the movie River Pheonix and Keanu Reeves' characters speak to each other normally and comfortably; when they're around the Falstaff character and the others, they use the out-of-place, clunky Shakespeare dialogue.

Not sure it counts as a spoiler; shouldn't the norm just be everyone survives the movie and it's only a spoiler if somebody says any differently?