
“We’re the party of Lincoln! You remember him! He fought a whole big war to free the slaves! So, basically, ignore the last 50 years of actual policy and remember the guy from 150 years ago. Clearly, we care more about civil rights than those dirty Democrats.”

I love that this is the Republican narrative. It’s like

Conservative memes aren’t so much attempts at jokes as they are really short pamphlets trying to fully explain everything they believe in regarding a certain subject.

Doesn’t this entrepreneur have a self-sustaining business to run?

I CAN use the nuclear option, and I don’t have lease terms to adhere to (month to month), but many of my friends are also hers, and I don’t want to involve them. Some of them are GOOD friends of mine (although I would hope they would understand that there was a good reason for me to “disappear”).

I was in an abusive relationship, too. Threats and ‘love bombs’ as the good doctor said. Did I let her get to me? Yeah, but did I deserve it because I couldn’t sort out what had happened to the girl I’d known? No.

It’s toxic masculinity at its worst. People think that he’s a weak victim who deserves what he’s getting because he’s weak and not masculine enough. We don’t let men have any weakness.

Sadly, few people will look at this from that perspective. If this were a woman with an abusive boyfriend, everyone would be up in arms about it and expressing sympathy. Instead, we have some people here who are questioning the writer’s manhood, calling him stupid, saying that he deserves this to happen to him, etc.

Wow time sure does fly. I remember sitting on my couch, young, unmarried, jobless watching him win the Heisman. Now 18 years, 7 pro bowls, a Super bowl ring later, I’m sitting on my couch, old, unmarried, jobless, reading about his retirement. Life sure does come at you fast.

Or is it that they cannot feel for anyone but themselves?

A shout out to my cousin Linda Joy Traitz and to all the other brave women coming forward, after living in silence with these terrible memories for decades.

Idiot. It’s too early in the proceedings for a motion to strike.

What did he do? He rocked this motherfuckin’ look.

Plus even if you’re going for the Emotional Support Animal middle ground, there’s still work you (as a patient) have to do with your animal for a doctor or therapist to approve. It’s not a checklist but you have to train them to actually serve a therapeutic purpose.

Unfortunately, Daesh doesn’t have some mountain stronghold we can just bomb like Cobra Commander. Saudi is involved in Yemen, coordinating with Iran would give this congress a collective heart attack, we’re FAR too friendly with Turkey to do what’s right and support Kurdistan, huge swaths of the Iraqi army that we

I don’t know exactly how this works in American Civil Law, but I think the defendant should pay at least half of all expenses of the child up until 21.

YES! And, FFS, vote in your damned local elections! Don’t just show up every four years and vote for the POTUS.

Here’s a real reason to vote: If more people had voted in that election, it wouldn’t have been nearly close enough for Bush to steal it.

People complain about massive amounts of government paperwork, but it is that same paperwork which helps inform things like congressional legislation and major supreme court decisions decades later. Sure, some of it, like this, sounds pointless, but documenting everything that goes on in the government is a good thing.

My mum always posts on facebook about what she’s cooking and she makes pea soup a couple times a year. Every time she posts about it I always comment that I can’t wait to taste the “country goodness and green pea-ness.” Never gets old. For me anyway.