Mitch Albom remembers those seats, sitting there last season next to Ernie Harwell, Bison Dele, and Ty Cobb. Read all about it in his next book, The Bullshit I Made Up For Your Great Aunt to Believe.
Mitch Albom remembers those seats, sitting there last season next to Ernie Harwell, Bison Dele, and Ty Cobb. Read all about it in his next book, The Bullshit I Made Up For Your Great Aunt to Believe.
LOL!!!! Thank you! I needed that so badly!
That looks like a DL photo, for which she forgot to put on some makeup. Cosmetics, properly applied, can do wonders.
I think we can all agree that this is probably the least surprising of all of the recent revelations.
Savage! Do you eat with your feet too? Talk with your mouth full?
What conservatives don’t get is that their very brand of political ideology is built upon status quo. Because that’s literally where the term conservative comes from. Every instance where they call for the status quo, for quiet inaction from everyone, for things to just stay ‘neutral,’ they’re espousing their…
I missed that on my first quick read. I also missed the editor’s note at the bottom. On a second read, yeah, you can tell it’s sarcasm, but I still think they could’ve made a dig about his sexual history to really drive it home. Although I should’ve known that it Jezebel wouldn’t endorse R. Kelly.
Setting my alarm for 530AM to get the full 4.5 hours of Kirk and Callahan on WEEI with the HOTTEST TAKES. It’s going to be great. You’ll get Sully from Carver with his “I have a black friend” take. You’ll get Ben from Manchester who once sat in the out field in Fenway in the 1980s and NEVER HEARD A RACIST COMMENT, so…
Breaking news: Woman who was jacked in the face by enormous, physically powerful athlete was “Not actually asking for it,” but was, in fact, being harassed even before punches were thrown.
Ummm, unfair question, being held illegally because of Trump but now must say they support Trump but it’s obvious they don’t because of being held illegally and questioned by somebody who declared he believes in waterboarding this week. No good answer.
It’s like every person you hate assembling to form an Asshole Voltron.
As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.
1. This makes me glad I never got on the Bikram Yoga bandwagon.
So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:
You know, I’m gonna say something I think we all need to remember. It’s good to have an adversary, and better to have a worthy one.
Although I’d respect her far more if she cast a vote for Hills, I’ll take 2 principled Navarros over 1 unprincipled and immature Stein voter any day of the week.
its a football pitch, not a football field. thats why the man who throws the ball at the other men is called a pitcher.
“We’re the party of Lincoln! You remember him! He fought a whole big war to free the slaves! So, basically, ignore the last 50 years of actual policy and remember the guy from 150 years ago. Clearly, we care more about civil rights than those dirty Democrats.”
I love that this is the Republican narrative. It’s like…
Conservative memes aren’t so much attempts at jokes as they are really short pamphlets trying to fully explain everything they believe in regarding a certain subject.
Doesn’t this entrepreneur have a self-sustaining business to run?